Facebook agency accounts rental service
Use an account provided by Mikenco Marketing
What is advertising account rental? Renting a Facebook advertising account is a form of advertising parties providing advertising account rental services to customers in need.
We help businesses rent Facebook accounts with a large number of followers. This can be a great way to reach a new audience and boost your brand awareness. When you rent a Facebook account from Mond Marketing, you can be sure that you are getting a high-quality account with a large number of engaged followers.

1. Personal account (new)

Limit $50
Never used before, with the ability to change time zone and currency. Can spend up to $50 USD per day. Regular spending can increase the limit.
Limit $250
Never used before, with the ability to change time zone and currency. Can spend up to $250 USD per day. Regular spending can increase the limit.
Limit $1500
Never used before, with the ability to change time zone and currency. Can spend up to $1500 USD per day.
No limit
Never used before, with the ability to change time zone and currency. Can spend up to $1500 USD per day.
2. Business Manager (normal)

Limit $50
Created with reputable profiles, good health, long life. Can spend up to $50 USD per day. Regular spending can increase the limit.
Limit $250
Created with reputable profiles, good health, long life. Can spend up to $50 USD per day. Regular spending can increase the limit.
Limit $1500
Created with reputable profiles, good health, long life. Can spend up to $1500 USD per day.
No limit
Created with reputable profiles, good health, long life. Can spend from 5000 usd to unlimited per day.